More Issues
Than Marvel

A.K.A. my newsletter about building your business and reclaiming your life so you’re not miserable, overworked, and somehow still underpaid.

A few years ago, that miserable, overworked, and underpaid stereotype was a perfect description 
of my life as a lawyer, so I get it. I’ve been in your shoes and I know what it feels like. I know that 
constant thought of “it will be a little easier next week,” but then eventually you realize that next week never comes …

But there’s good news: It’s possible, with some effort, and a willingness to grab life by the horns like Dodge (or that one dude at the cowboy bar who had a few too many), to build your business into a solid stream of consistent revenue and take back your life to give yourself some free time to… knit. Or sit by the pool. Or collect beanie babies. Whatever you’re into, I don’t judge (well I might, but positively). Law doesn’t have to be your life—it should just be one part of it.

Anyway, that’s what my newsletter is all about, and it’s a great place to get started if you want to learn how you too can become a lawyer with this crazy thing we call a life. Sign up here to get weekly nuggets of wisdom in your inbox.

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Don’t Look Back in Anger ...
Except this time (without the Anger)

Usually, focusing on the past too much can distract us from the course ahead. But this is one of those special times when I encourage you to look back. At what, you ask? [THE (not Jedi, just Newsletter) ARCHIVES], of course.  Check out some of the greatest hits below.

🕐 Mastering Time with Magic: How I Make My Calendar Work for Me 📆

Mastering Time with Magic: How I Make My Calendar Work for Me

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25 Mindset Shifts to Level Up Your Law Firm Leadership Part 1

25 Mindset Shifts to Level Up Your Law Firm Leadership Part 1

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📝Redefining Employee Evaluations: A Journey Towards Empowerment and Growth📝

📝Redefining Employee Evaluations: A Journey Towards Empowerment and Growth📝

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Cracking the Social Media Code: Insights from a Seven-Figure Sales Journey - Part 2

Cracking the Social Media Code: Insights from a Seven-Figure Sales Journey - Part 2

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Cracking the Social Media Code: Insights from a Seven-Figure Sales Journey Part 1

Last week I spoke about figuring out what you can and cannot control and told you this week I was going to go deep into one example from my

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Counting Your Way to Success: 7 Numbers to Firm Success

Counting Your Way to Success: 7 Numbers to Firm Success

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The Marshmallow Experiment

The Marshmallow Experiment

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Im sorry or you are welcome


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Growing Your Firm with a Little "Parental" Instinct

Growing Your Firm with a Little "Parental" Instinct

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Eisenhower Matrix

Eisenhower Matrix

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Mastering Dunbar's Number: Building Stronger Connections in Your Law Firm 🤝⚖

Mastering Dunbar's Number: Building Stronger Connections in Your Law Firm 🤝⚖

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Don’t Be Vain, The Song is NOT About You: Delegation for the Busy Law Firm Owner part 1

Don’t Be Vain, The Song is NOT About You: Delegation for the Busy Law Firm Owner part 1

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Delegation part 2

Delegation part 2

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How to have a good meeting

How to have a good meeting

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Time Efficiencies To Start Today

Time Efficiencies To Start Today

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Time-Blocking: Your Path to Triforce Mastery 🛡️⏳

Time-Blocking: Your Path to Triforce Mastery 🛡️⏳

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Embrace Your Spidey Flow State 🕸️

Embrace Your Spidey Flow State 🕸️

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The Flux Capacitor of Your Productivity 🚗⏰

The Flux Capacitor of Your Productivity 🚗⏰

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Alfred to Your Batman: Get an Assistant 🎩

Alfred to Your Batman: Get an Assistant 🎩

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🔍 Deciphering Losada’s Enigma: Finding the True Positive Balance in Law! 🌟

🔍 Deciphering Losada’s Enigma: Finding the True Positive Balance in Law! 🌟

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🌌 Subject Line: Crafting Your Trilogy: Propel Clients to Their Galactic Choice! 🌌

🌌 Subject Line: Crafting Your Trilogy: Propel Clients to Their Galactic Choice! 🌌

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🎃 "Trick or Treat" Client Experience: Ensuring Clients Get More Treats than Tricks from Your Firm 🎃

🎃 "Trick or Treat" Client Experience: Ensuring Clients Get More Treats than Tricks from Your Firm 🎃

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🌌 The Force of Positivity: Harnessing the Power of a Happy Galaxy 🌟

🌌 The Force of Positivity: Harnessing the Power of a Happy Galaxy 🌟

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🌌 Mindset Shifts: From the Dark Side to the Light


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Mindset Shifts part 2 – Crafting Your Ideal Universe-

Mindset Shifts part 2 – Crafting Your Ideal Universe-

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What makes you unique? There are 1,300,000 lawyers; 400,000 firms...why should clients choose you?

What makes you unique? There are 1,300,000 lawyers; 400,000 firms...why should clients choose you?

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10 Books for Massive Success in Your Firm Next Year

10 Books for Massive Success in Your Firm Next Year

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A Day in My Life: How to Learn Time Management from What I Actually Do (or Don’t Do)

A Day in My Life: How to Learn Time Management from What I Actually Do

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The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin

The Four tendencies

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Making a Murderer…er Marketing Plan PART 1

Murderer…er Marketing Plan

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Making a Murderer…er Marketing Plan Part 2

Murderer…er Marketing Plan

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🚀 "Ten Titans of Happiness: Powering Up Your Joy Levels!" 🌈


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Mastering Email Chaos: A 5-Step Strategy to Tame Your Inbox

We all hate email.‍ Do you know why modern email is the way it is? ‍

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