🔍 Deciphering Losada’s Enigma: Finding the True Positive Balance in Law! 🌟

Hello [First Name],

Let me set the stage.  It was a Sunday and I was hungry (I swear this is relevant).  

My wife wanted to go to the farmers market, which normally I enjoy, but with 75hard still going, I had less interest in it (because I couldn’t eat anything there) and wanted to instead stay home, eat my salad, do my second 45 minute workout and then watch my Dolphins (this week they happened to drop 70 points on the Broncos!!!)

But instead, I tried to sacrifice and drive them.  Not 2 minutes from my house my son commented about how he wished he had some mommy-Benji time (because he hadn’t seen her since before school that Friday). 

In an effort to give him some control over his life (and after she told me to do whatever I wanted) the next time we were stopped, I firedrilled with her and walked home, ate, worked out, etc and they had a blast.

However, this (of course) led to my child telling everyone at the farmer’s market that I jumped out of the car while we were driving because I didn’t want to go.

I share this because often the kernel of negative stuff will drastically outshine your positive efforts.

Or as it is sometimes called - the Losada Ratio!

So grab your fedora and whip; we're going on an Indiana Jones-style exploration into the Losada ratio—a principle as mystical as the Ark or the Grail, as dangerous to our firms as a Temple of Doom, and something we need to constantly keep in mind because we don’t actually have the dial of destiny!  (Crystal Skulls do NOT exist in this analogy).

(TITLE) What the Heck IS the Losada Ratio?

The Losada ratio was heralded as the golden ratio of positivity—prescribing a precise balance of 3 positive experiences to counteract each negative one, akin to unlocking the secrets of a galactic force! It promised a route to unparalleled productivity and satisfaction.  

(title) What does Staying Above the Line Look Like?

Enhanced Productivity and Innovation:

Science Says: Positive and engaged work environments have been proven to foster higher levels of creativity and problem-solving skills. Studies show that positive emotions broaden our cognitive abilities, allowing for increased adaptability and innovative thinking.  They also make teams PHYSICALLY stronger and lessen the time lost to illness.

Improved Leadership and Team Cohesion:

Science Says: Leaders maintaining a positive emotional state are more likely to invoke trust and inspire their team, according to research. A harmonious environment also nurtures cohesive and collaborative teams which impacts not just the work itself, but the retention of the teams doing the work.

Optimized Communication and Reduced Friction:

Science Says: Positive interactions enhance synaptic connections, facilitating better communication and understanding among team members. This results in reduced friction and conflict, fostering a more conducive and harmonious workspace which again helps you keep the best employees at your firm for longer while they also do their best work.

(Title) But There’s a Catch

However, akin to the constant debates in the Star Wars universe about who truly shot first, Han or Greedo (Dear Disney…it was Han), the Losada ratio has its array of skeptics. 

Some critics argue that the mathematical models used to derive this 3:1 ratio were flawed and oversimplified, neglecting the complex tapestry of human emotions and experiences.

And honestly, they may be right.

The exact 3:1 ratio may be disputed, but the principle of having more positive experiences to counterbalance the negative MUST be true.

On top of any direct scientific research, I also look at this as akin to loss aversion.  Basically it hurts more to lose something than to gain the same amount.  

Studies on loss aversion suggest that losses are twice as powerful (or more), psychologically, as gains, as in I would have to win $200 to overcome losing $100.

You can apply that same mindset to this situation.  I love you BUT…

Whatever comes after the BUT is worse than the one positive before it.  At our dinner table every night we share 3 things we are grateful for and 1 thing we could have done better.  It FEELS like that is the right balance (3 good to one bad), but we never know.  In an employee review, the 1 negative could outweigh the loads of positives.

So basically, be nice.  Then be nicer.  Then be even MORE supportive and then (and only then) might you be able to be negative or criticize and still run a fun and powerful law firm.

(Title) How do we do That?

With the acknowledgment that the essence of positive and negative balance is crucial, maybe even more so than the Force, how can we wield this knowledge in our law firms?

Start on a High Note - You know how at the end of every Harry Potter year, Dumbledore gives out enough house points to make sure Grffyindor wins?  Well he’s doing it all wrong.  He should be spreading that sort of cheer at the beginning.  This is why start every Monday meeting with a fun ice breaker (would you rather travel into the past or the future and why?) and then go into personal good news.  This allows us to have a little fun and compliment each other on what we have accomplished.

Spread the Compliments - Forge a culture where compliments are as common as quirky one-liners from "Ghostbusters."  When in doubt, compliment in public, criticize in private.  Pro-tip - create a culture where your staff compliment each other!

Give Feedback not Criticism - Frame constructive criticism positively, like summoning Captain Planet to combat pollution, not condemning the polluted river.  To put a REALLY fine point on this, I would try to get the person to have their own idea about how they could have done something better and then tweak their own system to make sure it happens that way the next time.  But failing that, strive for progress not perfection.

What comes before Part B?  Part-A(y) - Celebrate the wins as a team.  Call it team-building, call it group bonding, call it collective enhancement…but do it!  Go out for lunch or dinner, go to a movie together, take a day off and hit up a theme park (the benefits of being an Orlando based PI firm).  But seriously, getting out of the office as a group will fast track the bonding and help every get to know each other, which in turn will help them give everyone else the benefit of the doubt.  This is how employee A realizes employee B isn’t avoiding their email, but is just taking the extra time to make sure it’s responded to properly.  Or how everyone realizes that their manager was being genuine about the overtime pay and not trying to trap them.  Stuff like that adds up FAST.

Life/Work Balance - this one might be sort of off topic, but it’s really not.  How YOU show up WILL impact your team.  If you come to the meeting smiling and cracking jokes it WILL be a better meeting then if you roll in 5 minutes left angry about the last call you were on.  So a bit of time that you take to have a better life, could help get you in the right mindset to give better advice and be kind.  AND then, the more you can copy a lot of this balance and focus to THEM, the more they will show up better for themselves, the clients, and each other.  This is how you can build a team culture that ROCKs.

Order is Everything - when it comes to getting bad advice we tend to want it first and THEN hear the good advice.  But when we give it to others, we tend to do the opposite.  So don’t.  Or bonus points…ask them what they prefer.  Actually…

ASK - ask your team questions.  What do they want as a bonus?  What sort of team activities do they want to do?  How do they want to be appreciated (Money? Time off? Team events? Employee of the Month award?  Etc?)

Well there you go!  And here’s what I don’t get…let’s say the 3-1 ends up being TOTALLY offbase and it’s 1-1 or 1,000,000-1 - what do you have to lose?  I don’t understand the attorneys who yell and scream at their staff for so many reasons but mostly - why the fuck do you WANT to have an office that drives you nuts?  Why NOT take steps to enjoy the 40-50-60 hours a week you will spend with other people at the office?  What do you have to lose?

And remember, start small.  You don’t have to be Bob Ross painting happy trees tomorrow, but a few small steps here and there get you closer and closer to your happy place, which can get you closer and closer to your happy firm, which can get you closer to more profits, better retention of key employees, and altogether a more FUN work environment.

Next week we are diving deep into (WHAT TOPIC DO YOU WANT NEXT?)

Until then, have a wonderful weekend!

Best Wishes, [Your Name]


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